As with any medical procedure, it is your duty of care to assess and evaluate the risks and benefits of circumcision. To support you through this decision-making process, we have listed both the potential risks and benefits of the procedure.
Your baby’s safety and wellbeing are our top priority, so many of the listed ‘Risks’ have never occurred in our clinic. This is due to our implementation of modern technologies and safety procedures.
Post-operative bleeding requires medical attention.
Infection requiring topical antibiotic cream or oral antibiotics.
Buried or trapped penis i.e. penis gets partially buried in the abdomen, requiring medical intervention.
Insufficient foreskin removed resulting in medical intervention.
Trauma to the head of the penis.
Phimosis (narrowing of the shaft skin opening over the head of the penis) requires medical intervention.
More serious complications include severe sepsis and death.
The risks of the local anaesthetic include bruising, pain, respiratory or cardiac arrest and fitting.
Reduced risk of a urinary tract infection.
Reduced risk of penile infection, also called balanoposthitis.
Eliminate the need for circumcision later in life when up to 6% of boys will require a circumcision due to various situations. When done later in life, it is a more costly, difficult, and riskier procedure requiring a general anesthetic. It is also typically more painful.
Reduced risk of penile cancer and cervical cancer in partners.
Circumcised men have less risk of sexual dysfunction later in life