Meet Dr Nick Demediuk
Dr Nick Demediuk is one of Australia’s most experienced doctors in his field. For over 40 years he has performed routine neonatal circumcisions in Australia, incorporating the latest minimally invasive techniques in his work and ensuring that your baby’s care and safety are the top priority.
Dr Demediuk uses ‘bell-type’ techniques and long-acting local anaesthetic during his procedures eliminating many risks of older traditional methods and delivering a virtually pain-free, simple and safe experience for his patients.
Quick Facts:
Graduated from Melbourne University MBBS, FRACGP, DRANZCOG, B.Ed
Delivered babies for 21 as a GP Obstetrician
Extensive experience and expertise in neonatal circumcision and paediatric care

Dr Nick Demediuk is one of
australia's most experienced in his field.
Meet Dr Nick Demediuk
Dr Demediuk uses ‘bell-type’ techniques and long-acting local anaesthetic during his procedures eliminating many risks of older traditional methods and delivering a virtually pain-free, simple and safe experience for his patients.

Dr Nick Demediuk is one of australia's most experienced in his field.
Quick Facts:
Graduated from Melbourne University MBBS, FRACGP, DRANZCOG, B.Ed
Delivered babies for 21 as a GP Obstetrician
Extensive experience and expertise in neonatal circumcision and paediatric care
Please contact us with questions,
or to schedule an appointment.